NY BOARD MEMBER-2004 to present
NY Chair for New Technology
I hope you are all enjoying a wonderful summer and a prosperous 2011.
Another SAG election is upon us and for the first time in a few years there is a significant contest in the New York election. The reigning party, USAN, is being challenged by ONE.STRONG.UNION. - a team of candidates comprised of incumbents (like me) and fresh volunteers, some Nominating Committee picks and some independents. I am proud to be a part of the O.S.U. team.
I'm sure that you've already heard a great deal about this election. What concerns me is that what you are hearing is rumor, innuendo and mud slinging, rather than actual substantive information you can use to help you cast your vote. I’m writing today to focus on the latter, so you can make a truly informed choice about your NY SAG board representatives when your ballot comes.
I did not leave USAN to join O.S.U. cavalierly. I did not engage in this endeavor because I am feeling scorned or bitter, and I was not "herded" into creating O.S.U. by anyone. Though I vigorously defend and support the democratic process, this political race, particularly as it is playing out now, is not a fight I wanted. Nor is it a fight I enjoy. I could have accepted the Nom Com’s recommendation and coasted to another term in the boardroom. That would have been MUCH easier than this. Based on the dirty politics going on now, my choice to decline USAN’s invitation to run on their slate and to join the O.S.U. team might lose me this election. Nevertheless, this needed to be done and I am proud to have done it.
I stand with the members of O.S.U. because we see eye-to-eye on the form and function of board service. We care deeply about the future of SAG and our fellow members. We support merger 100%. We want to make sure the BEST possible people get into the board room to lead us toward the successful merger of SAG and AFTRA, creating a strong new union for all members of both unions.
I always want the smartest and the bravest to win any election. That's why I've voted for Bill Clinton (smartest), and Rudy Giuliani (bravest-and pretty bright, despite his baseball allegiances). That’s a Democrat and a Republican. Each was the best choice at that time for the office they sought, mostly for the reason I stated.
The final piece of the political representation puzzle is skin in the game. A representative needs to represent their constituency. Team O.S.U. works all contracts: Background, Principal, Voice-over, TV/Theatrical, Commercial, Industrial and Interactive. Many of us are veteran participants in the W&W process and on contract negotiation committees. The health and wellbeing of these contracts affects our lives profoundly, just like it does yours. We want to fight for them – on all of our behalf.
I will not say a bad word about anyone on the USAN ticket. They are my friends and fine people. But, for my money, this election called for some changes in the room, and I hope when you look at O.S.U.’s platform, vision, goals and experience, you’ll see what we are determined to accomplish, and vote accordingly.
As for my health: I have Parkinson’s Disease. Though I feel well, I did consult with my wife, family, friends and trusted advisors when considering running again. They and I believe I have a lot to offer in the board room at this critical time. I am grateful for their support, and I hope you agree.
I hope I’ve shed some light on my reasons for running for the NY board of SAG with One.Strong.Union., and helped to distinguish fact from disinformation in this race. I know this is just a beginning, though, and you have a right to clear information from me regarding not just what we at O.S.U. plan to do – but the process we believe will get us there. So you’ll be hearing from me on my specific positions on various issues challenging us and the union in future posts.
Thanks for taking the time to read this introduction to my candidacy, and stay tuned for more.
In Solidarity,
Joe Narciso
For more on ONE.STRONG.UNION., visit www.onestrongunion.com, Twitter @OneStrongUnion, and Facebook for regular updates: http://tinyurl.com/3ndr7sg. Contribute your thoughts, and help shape the future of our union and your profession. It’s time.